What is Genetic Check Up
Genetic check-up is a DNA testing method performed using advanced technology to test the genetic profile and prediagnose possible diseases, if any. This personalized test involves direct examination of the DNA molecule. It is used to understand the genetic structure of the person and to identify potential genetic risks.
The main purpose of a genetic check-up is to determine an individual’s genetic predispositions, genetic risks and diseases as early as possible. The results provide valuable information about the person’s health status. Genetic check-ups are particularly important and necessary for the early diagnosis and prevention of genetically based diseases.
This type of check-up is conducted by genetic counseling specialists and includes special laboratory tests that analyze the individual’s genetic material. Thanks to these tests, genetic polymorphisms, gene mutations and genetic risk factors are evaluated.
How is genetic check-up performed?
Genetic testing is done using saliva, blood or tissue samples. These samples are sent to specialized genetic laboratories. In the laboratory, genetic information is obtained by analyzing certain regions of DNA.
Who can undergo a personal genetic check-up?
The test can be applied to individuals of any age who want to detect a genetic disease in their family history. Couples planning to have a child may also want to evaluate the risks of pregnancy and the expected baby with this test. In addition, some individuals may simply want to learn more about their genetic makeup.
What are the benefits of genetic checkup?
Some genetic disorders and unfavorable hereditary predispositions have the potential to manifest themselves only after a certain age. Genetic diagnostic methods can enable those with such predispositions to be informed and take the necessary precautions long before the disease appears. In all cases, early detection reduces risk, facilitates treatment and improves quality of life. For example, a person who learns that he or she is predisposed to lung cancer may think much more seriously about quitting smoking. A person who learns that he or she is prone to depression may choose a profession that is less stressful for him or her.
Which diseases can be foreseen with genetic check-up?
- Diseases that can involve multiple organs such as diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia
- Adult neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s
- Some types of cancer
- Growth delay, epilepsy, autism
- Reproductive system disorders
- Ethnicity-related diseases
- Uncontrolled obesity despite diet and exercise
- Diet-sensitive diseases
- Diseases sensitive to physical exercise
Common types of genetic check-ups
Athlete genetic testing: With athlete genetic testing, sports genetic tests to be applied to prospective athletes or people who will start sports are studied to determine what type of exercise they are suitable for. Thus, measures are taken against unnecessary strain on the body. Genetic tests can provide necessary information to physicians and sportsmen, from injuries to sudden deaths of athletes.
Breast cancer genetic testing: The risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer in women and breast cancer in men who carry pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene is quite high. In the presence of a known mutation in the family, other family members should be examined for related gene mutations.
Cardio-genetic testing: This test helps identify health risks related to Myocardial Infarction (heart attack), heart rhythm disorders, bleeding clotting disorders and provides information about your potential response to commonly prescribed medications so that your doctor can develop a treatment specific to you.
Cancer genetics: Genetic testing in cancer patients can provide a definitive diagnosis in the presence of unclear clinical findings. Identification of biomarkers can lead to more effective immunotherapy in 20% to 40% of cancer cases. Liquid biopsy studies make it possible to detect early-stage cancers by analyzing free circulating tumor DNA in the blood.
DNA-balance diet test: This type of DNA testing analyzes relevant parts of your DNA to discover food reactions, distinctive nutritional needs and even the best type of diet for the person.