Obesity Surgery
Is obesity increasing in Romania?
Modern life and the patterns we are forced to deal with are changing our eating habits and decreasing our chances of physical activity. Many of us, especially the new generations, have to sit in front of the computer all day and enjoy prepared foods. Needless to say, this lifestyle is making obesity a bigger problem with each passing day. And yes, obesity is also increasing in Romania. This explains why obesity surgery (bariatric surgery) is a top search on Google these days.
Obesity statistics in Romania
The good news is that statistics based on the World Health Organization (WHO) show that our obesity levels are considerably lower than most European countries. However, this does not mean that our obesity levels are acceptable. Almost 50 percent of adults are overweight, and every third of these people is obese.
This means that every second person reading this text has a body mass index higher than the ideal, but don’t panic. Being overweight does not mean that you are unhealthy. To check this, you need to visit a doctor and look for other clues: in addition to the increased weight, do you have high blood sugar levels? Is your blood pressure high? But how is your heart?
Medicine and technology joining forces: Obesity surgery
At a certain level, you can easily fight against your excess fat. Exercise, better eating habits, and less alcohol can do a lot, and at this level, obesity surgery is an option for much faster results. However, there is a level where none of these can help much. This level is called morbid obesity, and it destroys all aspects of quality of life. Forget about a good sleep or comfortable exercises, it even destroys a deep breath. This is when obesity surgery is the “only” option. Thanks to the revolutionary inventions of technology in medicine, it is much safer and easier than ever.
More information about obesity surgery?
The sole objective of this website is to assist and help people with the latest medical techniques for any major health problems. We have teams here as well as in Turkey to fulfill the promise. So, if you need more information about obesity and obesity surgery in Turkey, do not hesitate to contact us right now to receive professional advice. We will be happy to enlighten you.