What is gum recession?

The tooth gum (also called gingiva) is the skin that covers the inside of the upper and lower jaw and the teeth. Recession of this skin is when the gum tissue covering the teeth pulls back, exposing the tooth or tooth root. As a result of gum recession, spaces are formed between the teeth and...

What is Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction)?

Impotence is a persistent state when penile erection is either insufficient or too short for desired sexual intercourse. Men at any age can face erectile problems after consuming too much alcohol or during stressful days but it is a medical problem when this lasts for a few weeks.   What is the frequency of impotence?...

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition when the body does not contain enough red blood cells. The red blood cells contain hemoglobin molecules. These molecules are responsible for carrying oxygen. Anemia can either occur when there are too few red blood cells in the body or when their hemoglobin content is abnormally shaped or low. Anemia affects...

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia (or pneumonitis) is an inflammation of the lung tissue. It occurs due to various microorganisms, especially bacteria. It is among the diseases that cause the most deaths in the world. The term “old man’s friend” is frequently used for the disease because it is very common in people over 65 years of age. The...

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet (shortly keto) can be defined as an eating programme in which carbohydrate and protein sources are very limited and the majority of the diet consists of fats. Many types of foods that are avoided in normal healthy eating plans are preferred as the main energy source in these diets. Due to their...

What are Probiotics What are their Benefts

There are lots and lots of microorganisms in our bodies and -thank god – most of them are peaceful and useful, thus we call them probiotics. The word is a combination of Latin “pro” (for) and Greek “biotic” (life) and combined it means “for life”. Their task is keeping the balance of microorganisms where ever...

What is AIDS/HIV?

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a viral immune problem. When it first appeared, it was named AIDS regarding its effect on the immune system due to its uncertain origin. In the 1980s, it was realized that the virus causing this disease was a human derivative of the primate virus SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus) and...

What is Kidney Failure? Symptoms of Kidney Failure

In the simplest terms, kidney failure (or renal failure) means that one or both kidneys have become unable to perform their functions without support. This condition often occurs suddenly as a result of kidney disease that increases in severity over time, sometimes due to trauma or a serious illness such as cancer. On average, one...

What is a gastric balloon

Also known as stomach balloon or intra-gastric balloon, a gastric balloon is a silicone material specially designed to be placed in the stomach. Once inserted, it is filled with 400 to 700 cc of salt water and creates a very effective feeling of satiety. It is one of the most popular non-surgical weight loss methods...

What is Hepatitis C

What is Hepatitis C? How is Hepatitis C transmitted? Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a liver disease transmitted by contact with blood containing the virus of the same name (HCV). The virus can progress from a mild form of the disease, which can be short-lived, to a severe form of the disease that can last...