Shingles – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Shingles is a viral and contagious type of dermatologic infection that causes painful skin rashes that often look like blisters. It is caused by a widely known virus type, Varicella Zoster, which also causes chickenpox. Once entered the body, the shingles virus can remain inactive or become active and cause the disease. Activated shingles virus...

Skin Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life, but it is inevitable to face a series of physical and emotional changes. It is very important to make healthy and conscious choices in skin care and cosmetic product use while the body adapts to the changes during pregnancy. Proper skin care and wise cosmetic use...

What is Vaginal Inflammation

What is Vaginitis (Vaginal Inflammation)? How Is Vaginal Inflammation Treated? Vaginitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane in the vaginal area caused by infection or irritation. This inflammation can cause symptoms such as discharge, itching, burning and sometimes pain. Vaginitis is usually caused by infections such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection or trichomoniasis, but it...

How to Slow Down Skin Aging

Unfortunately, the skin is almost always the organ of the body that ages the fastest and is the first to show signs of aging. Skin aging reduces self-confidence and can disrupt social relationships. For this reason, it is one of the most important concerns of cosmetic dermatologists and beauticians. Skin aging often occurs due to...

Tips and Precautions For Dry Skin

Dry skin is a very uncomfortable dermatologic problem characterized by flaking, itching, cracking and even bleeding of the skin accompanied by irregularly colored patches and ashy look. This condition can be caused by external factors, or the person may have dry skin genetically. Even those with oily skin may face this problem from time to...

Skin and Hair Benefits of Baby Oil

Oils are the magic beauty and health elixirs of cosmetic dermatologists and beauticians. Some of these oils have gone far beyond medical and professional use and are found in every home without exception. And baby oil is at the top of all such products. Baby oil is a skin care product produced especially to moisturize...

What is Peeling

Peeling is the skin care process of removing unwanted residues (mainly dead cells and stubborn make-up materials) from the outer layer of the skin. It’s by far the most effective skin cleansing treatment but can cause more damage than benefit, when not done correctly. It is important that peeling is done safely, preferably by a...

7 Golden Tips to Prepare Your Skin for Winter

The most challenging season for cosmetic dermatologists and beauticians, is approaching: Winter! Very soon the weather will be colder and drier, and everyone, especially those with sensitive skin, will feel the negative effects of the season. Moreover, according to experts, the coming winter will be harsher and colder than it has been in a long...