What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is one of the most fatal types of cancer with only 16% chance of being diagnosed at early stages. It is the malignant formation caused by the unbalanced proliferation of cells in the lung. In a typical progress of this disease, the cancerous cells first proliferate where they are located and form a...

What is Posture Disorder?

Posture refers to the shape of a person’s body when sitting or standing. The spine, head, shoulders and hips are aligned according to this position. A good body position reduces pressure on muscle groups, joints and ligaments and keeps the body flexible. However, the unintentional positions that the body takes in daily life negatively affect...

What is restless leg syndrome

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? What Are The Symptoms And Treatment Methods? Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common nervous system disorder that affects at least 5 percent of adults and 2 percent of children worldwide. This disease is described with many different stories by patients, but it is generally characterized by symptoms such as...

Antidepressants: Miracle or Disaster?

The world just spent 16 billion dollars for antidepressants in 2022 and at least a 7% growth is foreseen for the coming years. But how did we come to this point in 70 years, after the first official introduction of these drugs in 1950s? Are we really entering an era of mass anxiety or are...

What is autism?

Autism is one of the four developmental problems under the heading of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). It shows itself before the age of 3 and goes a lifetime long. The term was first used by German psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler who wanted to differentiate severe schizophrenia cases back in 1911, from the Greek word “autos”, which...

What is Lymphoma (Lymph Cancer)?

Lymph cancer (lymphoma) is the cancerous and uncontrolled growth of lymphocytes which are the body’s defense cells. The most common occurring point of this disease is lymph nodes. These nodes are simply filters and are some of the most important actors of our immune system. When this system gets cancer, the lymphocytes (cells of the...

10 Possible Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Every single medical process is already full of latest improvements and indeed technology is everywhere. However, we now have a real game changer: Artificial Intelligence (AI). What makes AI different is that it can automatically ‘learn, think and decide’ on behalf of human beings and doctors are not excluded. It’s already being experimentally used in...

Electronic Cigarette Health Facts

Ten years ago, the world was very close to the dream of nicotine-free generations but then someone managed to produce electronic cigarettes. Now, we’re in an even worse position than we were in 70s. And here are e-cigarette health facts we will all learn better as e-cig generations grow older.   First Of All, What...