What is PRP

What Is PRP Treatment? PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an organic mixture obtained by separating the plasma out of blood. The process of returning this organic mixture to the body by injection is PRP treatment. This plasma is very rich in cells called “platelets”. Platelets, main task of which is to help blood clot, have...

What is Organ Transplantation

Organ transplantation (including tissue transplantation) is a surgical operation in which an organ is removed from the donor body and then placed in the recipient body to replace a damaged or dysfunctioning organ. Transplantation surgery is one of the most challenging and complex fields of modern medicine, but it is also one of the fastest-growing...

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause? Benefits & Risks When you go through menopause, your ovaries lose their reproductive functions. Ovule cells are not produced, the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones decreases. The main cause of postmenopausal symptoms is decreased estrogen levels. Most women go through this natural phenomenon between the ages of...

What is menopause

What Is Menopause? When Does Menopause Begin? Just like infancy, puberty and sexual maturity, menopause is a natural period of female life. During menopause, the amount of follicles in the ovaries and estrogen production decreases. Soon after, estrogen production ceases and the ovaries shrink. With the end of menstrual cycle, reproductive ability is lost. Keep...

TURP Prostate Surgery

The most common surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia: TURP Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP or TUR-P) is the most preferred surgical method for benign prostate enlargement. It is the classical alternative that is accepted as the gold standard in the treatment of prostate enlargements up to 80 ml in volume. Don’t let the fact...

Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

Type 2 Diabetes surgery Diabetes surgery, which is one of the metabolic surgery methods, is performed to keep Type 2 diabetes under control by eliminating insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes, which usually occurs after the age of 40, is generally due to excess weight, inactive life and genetic predisposition. The classical treatment method is aimed...

What is mRNA

What is mRNA? Can mRNA stop cancer? mRNA is the organic molecule that transmits the information about which proteins our cells will produce to the cell unit called the ribosome. It is produced by our DNA in the cell nucleus and carries a chemical code. Nowadays, this tiny molecule’s potential to stop cancer is being...

What is Coronary Bypass Surgery

When there is a narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries that feed the heart, the heart muscle cannot feed itself adequately. Coronary bypass surgery is the procedure for creating new vessel bridges with vessels from other parts of the body to improve blood flow to the heart muscle. The aim of this surgery is...

5 Criteria to choose the right hospital

No matter which disease or surgery we’re talking about, Turkey is one of the top health destinations in the world. There are numerous good Turkish doctors and Turkish hospitals, and they serve thousands of patients from all around the world every single day. Moreover, surgery prices in Turkey are really very affordable, especially when compared...