Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity : The Soo ner You Discover The Easier You Manage Childhood obesity is on the rise worldwide and our country is not an exception. Even the most optimistic statistics in Romania say that more than 10 percent of adolescents and children under the age of 18 suffer from obesity, and things won’t be...

Hungry or Stressful

Hungry or stressed? What is stress eating? Biological hunger is the natural alarm of your body meaning that it needs a recharge with proteins, fat, fiber and sugar. However, there is also another type of hunger that shows itself when you are not even hungry. If you too are experiencing such an inner call to...

What is Tube Baby Treatment

Tube baby (or test-tube baby) treatment is the non-medical name of a set of procedures to help couples with the conception of a child. It is only one of the many assisted human reproduction techniques but definitely the most effective one. In medicine literature it is called IVF, the abbreviation for In-Vitro Fertilization.   When...

What Is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy, or chemo shortly, is a cytotoxic (poisonous to cells) treatment, applied by chemicals that are expected to affect the DNA structure of the problematic cells in various diseases, especially cancer. The drugs used in chemotherapy prevent the growth and proliferation of target cells and damage them. Chemo can be used alone, but can also...

The Most Famous Cartilage in The World: The Meniscus

We have many different cartilage tissues in our bodies with hard-to-memorize Latin names but one of them however, surpasses all the rest by being the most widely known: Meniscus. It’s very famous because of 2 reasons. Firstly, its name is frequently associated with our favorite football player or athlete. Secondly, its injury is very common...

What is Reflux Surgery

What is Reflux Surgery (GERD Surgery) and How is it Performed? GERD surgery, also called reflux procedure, is a minimally invasive operation to tighten the junction between the stomach and the esophagus to stop the unwanted reverse movement of stomach juices. The gold standard for surgical treatment is named Nissen fundoplication. In this procedure, the...

What is Angiography?

Even with the latest medical technology, it’s not possible to take a clear look into the health condition of blood vessels from outside. Also called arteriography, angiography is the procedure that lets physicians check vessel related problems from inside and easily. How is Angiography Performed? In this simple but powerful procedure, the doctor will use...

What Is A Cataract?

Healthy eyes have a clear lens that transmits light to the back of the eye. Cataract is the condition where this lens becomes cloudy and the eye does not receive enough light. Cataract by birth is called congenital cataract, and the type that occurs by age is called senile cataract. What Causes Cataract? 90% of...

What is Hypertension

What is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)? Blood pressure is the expression of the pressure exerted by the blood to the arteries. It is defined in two classes: systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic pressure is the pressure that occurs when the heart beats. Diastolic pressure is the pressure that occurs when the heart...

Right Fat -5 Best Oils

The “right fat” helps you lose “more fat” – 5 Best Oils Many of us suffering different levels of obesity try to stay away from oils and fats to lose weight. However, “satiety” is the key for the success of any diet and the right fat source gives us the feeling of fullness after a...