Obesity is the excess of fatty tissue and high weight gain. The factors that determine obesity are genetic factors, external environment, socioeconomic status, metabolic diseases and medications. In general, patients are used to blaming these factors; the most important cause of obesity is the large consumption of food.
Nowadays, the work rhythm of life, the reduced time in the kitchen, foods that are prepared quickly, have entered more into our lives. These foods are far from vegetables and fruits, being foods rich in sugar, fats and calories, being liked by children and young people. Living a life away from movement and driving cars even for small distances, especially the time spent in front of the computer and the TV, obesity becomes inevitable. Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but brings many diseases; type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, menstrual cycle disorders, increased pregnancy complications, gallstones, fatty liver, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and depression, these being some of them.