What is Fractional Laser Treatment
Fractional laser is a cosmetic dermatology procedure that enables skin treatment by converting a laser beam into multiple microscopic fractions of laser beams. The micro laser beams pass through the epidermis (the top layer of the skin) and penetrate the dermis (the second top layer of the skin), where they create tiny columns of thermal injuries. These thermal damage columns are micro-sized damages that the skin needs to repair, and as the skin repairs them, it removes the imperfections in the area.
The working principle of the fractional laser is similar to the microneedling skin resurfacing technique and simply is:
- Create micro-damages on the skin.
- Stimulate the skin to regenerate itself.
- Let the stimulation trigger new collagen production while tightening existing collagen tissue.
- Improve visible imperfections thanks to regeneration.
The biggest advantage of the fractional laser over microneedling is that it performs the treatment much faster and without the need of hundreds of needle wounds.
Who can fractional laser be applied to?
Fractional laser treatments can be used to correct many different issues in the skin, from reducing pigmentation to removing signs of aging. The most common areas of application include the following:
- Removal of signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and darker spots (anti-aging)
- Treatment of sunspots and skin damage caused by sunlight
- Elimination of color changes and regional tone inequalities on the skin surface
- Treatment of scars
- Reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles caused by mimic muscles
- Removal of acne scars and freckles
- Tattoo removal procedures
- Alleviation of surgical scars
What are the benefits of fractional laser?
The most important effect of fractional laser on the skin is its regenerative and imperfection removal feature. This regenerative feature, which is needed in the treatment of all kinds of skin problems, stems from the mechanism of action of fractional laser beams on the skin. Laser beams stimulate collagen (the most important protein in the structure of the skin and is essential for maintaining the skin’s unique structure, elasticity and integrity) production in the skin.
After the regeneration process is initiated by creating damage to the skin with fractional laser application, it becomes easier to achieve a healthier and younger appearance thanks to the support of collagen synthesis. In addition, skin blemishes can be treated with the help of the anti-pigmentation feature of laser beams in people with general or regional pigmentation problems.
How is fractional laser treatment performed?
Right before session, an anesthetic cream is usually applied to the procedure area in order to prevent mild discomfort that may be caused by powerful light beams. Since the device used in treatment has a built-in cooling feature, you will not feel any discomfort during the procedure.
Just like in laser hair removal treatments, fractional laser beam shots are applied to the area with the help of the device and thus a session is completed. The average length of each session varies according to the size of the area where the procedure is applied.
Personal care after fractional laser sessions
It is expected that the skin will be more sensitive and open to external factors for a while after each session. Therefore, keeping the skin clean is the basic precaution you must follow. The skin should be gently cleaned daily in line with the recommendations given by the cosmetic dermatologist, and if there are prescribed creams, they should be used as recommended.
Another possible side effect of the procedure can be fast dehydration over the treatment area. Therefore, the skin should be moisturized regularly and excessively hot environments should be avoided. In addition, it is very important to stay away from sunlight during the healing process after fractional laser treatment.